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I won’t talk your ear off about the challenges of social media in the cannabis industry. If you’re in it, you know. Despite tight regulations in and beyond Zuckerberg’s monopoly, some brands’ strategies are prevailing, providing them with an engaged social media audience at their fingertips. 

Pioneer Intelligence recently dropped some “best-of” lists from 2022 and we’re particularly interested in the top social media players. (If you’re not already familiar with their methodology, read up here.)  Rising to the top with all platforms pitted against you is not easy. For that, we’re impressed. Pioneer’s split the top social media players list into two: one for MSOs, and one for non-MSO operators. 

Brands in the non-MSO list may not have the advantage of a multi-state presence, but there’s a dash of celebrity in the mix, which comes as no surprise. Seth Rogen’s status as a funny weed-loving guy makes it easy to see how his brand has amassed over half a million followers and landed the company at #14 on the list. All of the photos on his ‘gram are colorful and aesthetically pleasing, but naturally his most successful posts include his face. 

Ball Family Farms tops the list, and though the celebrity status of former NFL player Chris Ball certainly has contributed to the brand’s image, let’s not forget the company was the first minority-owned, vertically integrated social equity company in LA. The authenticity of the brand is apparent in its social media presence, which features lots of nostalgic, collage-style imagery and a surprising amount of glistening nug shots. 

Great shots are a must for social media to succeed, and the brands on this list clearly have it figured out, skirting around content violations as much as possible. URSA, a Humboldt-based company has nailed the art of good concentrates shots to spice up their social media presence alongside educational content, landing them the #6 spot on the list. And then there’s Farmer and the Felon at #8, with enticing zoomed-in shots of flower and concentrates mixed in with compelling social advocacy posts. 

As far as the MSOs list goes, it was no surprise to see some of the biggest players in the industry taking up space on the list. But it was a surprise to see Mfused sitting at the #3 spot, ahead of many larger brands. Props to the Seattle-based and minority-owned company for climbing to the top of the ranks. Their polished lifestyle imagery paired with engaging video content has certainly contributed to their social media success. 

Do I even need to mention CANN? The brand has grown considerably in recent years, and their social media presence is a good reflection of why. Aesthetically pleasing images, on-trend memes, and a long list of celebrity endorsements makes their #5 position on the list come as no surprise. 

Congratulations to all of the companies on the list for making it as a top social media player in a cannabis-hostile environment. 

Full lists ↓ 

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